Global Impact Collective Partner, Judith Hochhauser Schneider, shared her thoughts on creating a truly circular economy on the World Wildlife Fund’s Sustainability Works blog.
She highlights that organizations must develop a systems-thinking approach to understand the organization’s interdependencies both internally and externally. Additional tools are required, in a rapidly changing landscape as circularity expectations are evolving for regulators, shareholders, and consumers.
But before cross-sector collaboration happens, internal coordination within your organization is key. When you bring design thinking into the equation it invites an expansive, perspective-shifting mindset. It allows you to say, “how might we…”, opening the door for broader, more creative solutions that are more inclusive and engage players throughout the value chain.
Come see it in action on February 12th at GreenBiz24 when the Global Impact Collective leads a design thinking workshop called Design Swarm™ for Circularity: Harnessing Our Collective Genius.